Freitag, 13. April 2018

Himmlisches Appartement für alle, denen der Schlaf noch heilig ist

Himmlisches Liebesnest in der Kapelle | Eine ehemalige Schutzkirche aus dem Jahr 1751 beherbergt eines der ungewöhnlichsten Appartements der Niederlande | Es ist schwer, eine vergleichbare Unterkunft für ein himmlischen Schlaf so nah beim lieben Gott zu finden. Weder in Amsterdam noch anderswo | Wer jemals davon geträumt hat, sich vor einem Altar zu räkeln, wird von diesem Schlafzimmer begeistert sein. Es befindet sich direkt an der Altarwand des Kirchenschiffes. Als Gast bettet man seinen Kopf buchstäblich am Altar und blick auf das himmlische Deckenbild, das durch zahlreiche Oberlichter erhellt wird
Appartement Schulkirche
Eine ehemalige Schutzkirche von 1751 beherbergt das opulenteste Gästezimmer in Amsterdam

Gebaut zu einer Zeit, als es Katholiken verboten war, öffentliche Gottesdienste abzuhalten, ist ein versteckt hinter dem zentralen Rembrandt-Platz liegendes Kirchengebäude aus dem 18. Jahrhundert zum sicherlich aufregendsten Appartment von Amsterdam umgewandelt worden. 

Schlaf- und Wohnbereich wurden direkt in die Kapelle integriert. Geschlafen wird im Doppelbett, dessen Kopfteil unmittelbar am Altar angrenzt.

Man wird wohl kaum eine vergleichbare Unterkunft für einen Aufenthalt in Amsterdam finden. Erst recht keine, die es ermöglicht, so nah beim lieben Gott zu sein. Weder in Amsterdam noch irgendwo sonst. 

Das Gebäude, in dem sich dieses außergewöhnliche Appartement befindet, wurde 1751 als sogenannte "Shelterchurch" für katholische Gläubige errichtet, die zu jener Zeit in den protestantischen Niederlanden in der Ausübung ihres Glaubens unterdrückt und verfolgt waren.

Deshalb liegt das Appartement auch etwas abseits in einer kleinen und ruhigen Gasse. Von Außen sieht es wie ein ganz normales Haus aus. Im Inneren aber ist eine kleine Kapelle von außerordentlicher Schönheit verborgen, die nun voll und ganz für Übernachtungsgäste aus aller Welt zur Verfügung steht, die das Besondere suchen.

Wer schon immer mal davon träumte, sich vor einem Altar zu räkeln, wird von diesem Schlafzimmer begeistert sein. Es befindet sich direkt an der Altarwand des Kirchenschiffs. Man bettet seinen Kopf fast buchstäblich auf den Altar, mit Blick nach oben auf das himmlisch gestaltete Deckenbild, das durch zahlreiche Oberlichter hell erstrahlt.

Neben dem luxuriösen Bett mit Sprungfedermatratze ist der neu genutzte Sakralraum mit einem großformatigen Flachbildfernseher, einem DVD-Spieler, Wireless-Lan und einer überraschend ausgeklügelten Beleuchtungstechnik mit verschieden farbigem Licht ausgerüstet. Selbst das einströmende Tageslicht lässt sich durch ferngesteuerte Vorhänge an den Oberlichtfenstern regulieren. Auf diese Weise können die unterschiedlichsten Stimmungen und Raumwirkungen erzeugt werden.

Von der ersten Etage bietet sich ein wunderbarer Blick über das Geländer auf den Altar und den Wohn- und Schlafbereich. Hier oben befindet sich auch ein komfortables Bad mit luxuriöser Sanitärausstattung, Heizung, Bad und Dusche, Waschbecken und WC. Leider ist der Zugang für behinderte Menschen nicht geeignet.

In der Küche sind alle modernen Annehmlichkeiten vorhanden, die man erwarten darf: Kaffeemaschine, Kühlschrank, Mikrowelle, Spülmaschine und Wasserkocher. Kaffee und Tee werden kostenlos bereitgestellt; andere Getränke wie Fruchtsaft, Wein und Bier werden zu reinen Unkosten (übliche Ladenpreise) abgerechnet.

Obwohl das Apartement in einem der belebtesten Nachtviertel von Amsterdam gelegen ist, dringen selbst an Wochenenden keine störenden Geräusche von außerhalb herein. Die Lage ist perfekt nur wenige Gehminuten vom Hauptbahnhof entfernt. Auch alle Hauptsehenswürdigkeiten, die wichtigsten Nachtclubs, Bars und viele Restaurants sind fußläufig erreichbar. Das Gebäude verfügt außerdem auch über eine kleine aber nette Terrasse.

Zu beachten: Rauchen ist nicht gestattet! Bettwäsche und Handtücher sind im Preis inbegriffen. Der Vermieter akzeptiert Buchungen und Reservierungen erst ab einem Mindestaufenthalt von drei Nächten. Preisrabatte werden auf Anfrage bei Einzelbelegung oder Aufenthalten von sieben oder mehr Nächten eingeräumt.

Mehr erfahren auf der Anbieterseite

Mittwoch, 11. April 2018

Magical 'Temple of Freedom' enables contemplative overnight stays in listed garden monument

Gothic Park Temple near Oxford | Surrounded by an beautiful landscape park, this eccentric lodging in a landmarked neogothic temple building takes you back to the world of the 18th century
Gothic Park Temple Apartment
Very british and eccentric lodging in a landmarked temple follie takes you back to the world of 18th century 

The equally curious and eccentric accommodation in a Gothic-looking temple in an extensive landscape park northeast of Oxford proves to be very British and very remote. 

Three towers on a triangular ground plan house two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom flanking a circular living gallery under a golden mosaic dome. 

The key to the exposed domicile on a hill in the middle of a 140-hectare complex is handed over by the school gatekeeper to an affiliated elite boarding school. To see, but also to be seen, that is the motto of the magic temple building from the 18th century - then as now.

The sacral building with its Gothic tracery, the castle-shaped battlements and the tower tops look impressive and awe-inspiring from the outside, almost dismissive. But as soon as you enter the interior through a metal-clad wooden door, you find yourself in a clearly arranged hall that radiates much more comfort than you might think.

The visitor's gaze inevitably wanders upwards, where a splendidly shining dome covered with gold mosaic seduces to astonishment. The corner towers all have round rooms: a well-equipped (round) kitchen, a (round) bathroom with a free-standing tub and colourful windows, the two (round) bedrooms upstairs. 

On the first floor you can look down from the ballustrade of the circular gallery into the living room or outside into the park: antique secretaries and stone benches with upholstered seats invite you to contemplative linger and offer magnificent views of monuments, temples or lakes placed exactly in the field of vision.

The ground plan of the building is triangular, but in each of the three corner towers there is a round room, and also the open high room in the centre, the living room, forms a circle in the triangle through the dome. A circumferential gallery on the first floor repeats the rounding. The sacred atmosphere is softened by the homely furnishings: a dining and a cosy, brightly coloured sofa corner, bookcases and showcases filled with reading material about the history and nature of the park, and French doors in Gothic arches leading out to the park.

The picturesque building was built between 1741 and 1745 by the creator of the famous London concert church St. Martin in the Fields as a so-called folly, a curious building that did not necessarily have to fulfil a practical purpose. The Gothic-looking building only served a very profane purpose: it served as a rain shelter and vantage point for the distinguished company around Lord Cobham, the client, on extensive walks through the extensive park.

Also known as the 'Temple of Freedom', the building is considered the culmination of Cobham's political garden art. His landscape gardener Lancelot Brown shaped and composed the landscape of the park through his masterful technique of painting with nature like a painting, setting precisely calculated rhythmic accents through trees, monuments, follies, bridges, lakes or even through expanse and offering the wandering eye places to linger.

This is a truly magical place full of hidden meaning, political confrontation and 18th century aristocratic amenities. The ambience of the temple, the somewhat musty smell, the unplastered sandstone walls and the lack of any modern means of communication such as telephone, radio or even TV, all this helps to put you back into the world of the 18th century. 

The location in the middle of the beautiful park, popular for picnics with paying day visitors, and the diverse flora and fauna are a truly princely delight. 

A wonderful natural paradise that invites you to ponder and take a walk!

Learn more on provider's website 
and book your unique stay here

Dienstag, 10. April 2018

Experience the French way of life with a Citroen 2CV transformed into a funky bed

Citroen 2CV Loft in Paris | This unique designed vacation rental includes a converted french vintage car serving as an unusual bed
Citroen 2CV Loft
This unique designed vacation rental in Paris includes a converted french vintage car serving as an unusual bed 

If you have ever dreamed of exclusive access to a landmark, this apartment in Paris is the perfect place to stay overnight. However, the sights are not the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre or the Moulin Rouge, but a French cult vehicle. 

Because in the center of the 40 square meters large vacation home stands a bright red Citroen 2CV, which the owner converted into an original night camp for its guests. 

With a width of just 125 cm, the car bed may not be very spacious, but it has good suspension and is therefore ideal for young couples in love or children who normally hog the playful bed on wheels with great enthusiasm. 

The characteristic vehicle with its round and curved forms is considered the epitome of the French way of life and gained great popularity and cult status in neighbouring countries in the 1970s under affectionate nicknames such as 'Duck' (Germany) or 'Döschwo' (Switzerland). 

At its premiere at the Paris Motor Show in 1948, the attempt to establish the model as a French response to the German VW Beetle still earned the scorn of experts, which gave it the derisive title of 'bathtub of the century'. 

But although production was stopped in 1988 after more than 5 million sold vehicles, the duck has lost none of its fascination to this day. The 2CV (from french 'deux cheveaux' - two horses) was particularly popular among students, because the Citroen was not only regarded as a simple means of transport, but also embodied an attitude to life. 

No wonder that in Paris exclusive city tours with the typical French car are offered in the meantime, and the classic car is particularly sought after by tourists as a photo motif. But spending a whole night in a Citroen 2CV converted into a bed is only reserved for a few visitors to the Seine metropolis.  

If the space seems too cramped or if you are simply looking for a change, another bed is available in the holiday apartment, which also has a special feature: it is circular and thus takes up the nostalgic car design of the 70s! In contrast to this is the rest of the furnishing of the loft, which has been designed for up to 5 people and is emphatically modern. 

The use of steel structures, floor lighting and the overall bright and colourful design with synthetic resin give this unique accommodation on the northern edge of Paris its unmistakable character. Further equipment includes a large flat screen TV with wall mount, two single beds and a practical kitchen complete with oven, ceramic stove, refrigerator and freezer, coffee machine, microwave and dishes.  

In order to guarantee the comfort and privacy of the guests, the holiday apartment on the ground floor has its own door, bathroom and toilet. Only the entrance area of the house is shared by the three independent apartments in the house. The extraordinary holiday home also offers the possibility of self-catering. As the supermarket and bakeries are in the immediate vicinity, breakfast is not included in the overnight price, but can optionally be booked in addition for an extra charge. 

As a guest you don't have to renounce additional comfort, which is not always a matter of course even for more expensive hotel rooms in Paris: next to air conditioning, soap and care products, hair dryer, umbrella, travel guide or maps provided, the urban apartment also surprises with free parking (on request), broadband Internet via WLAN and digital television with 250 channels (including English language channels). 

On arrival you will not only find towels and bed linen, but also a 'French survival kit' with baguette, saucisson and a bottle of red wine to welcome you. The personal reception by the owner who lives nearby is not only warm and competent, but also conveniently multilingual (French, German, English). The various tips for activities and shopping and restaurant recommendations that you can pick up from the passionate Parisian at the same time are probably priceless and certainly not available at any hotel reception in the city. 

The location in the north of Paris may not sound central, but because the metro station is only a few minutes' walk away, it is absolutely convenient to reach the most important sights of Paris in a short time. Besides that, a real highlight is right on the doorstep: with more than 5 million visitors, the Saint-Ouen flea market is not only the fourth largest attraction in the city, but also one of the oldest and largest antique markets in the world. 

Here, almost 2000 used goods of all kinds are on sale in cosmopolitan ambience from Saturday to Monday. From old toys, jewellery and crockery over junk & kitsch, antiquarian books, cards, posters and militaria to records, worn clothes, lamps, works of art and of course furniture, there are rarities to suit every taste and budget. Apart from that, dealers with new goods are represented as well as inexpensive snack offers.

The chic design accommodation, which is located in a former fireplace shop, has a fair price that is well received by families and friends travelling together. Accommodation for up to three persons costs an affordable 125,- EUR per night. One or two additional persons are charged with only 10,- EUR surcharge. Of course without breakfast and tourist tax (0,45 EUR per day and per person). 

Happily enough, the final cleaning of the unusual holiday apartment is also included in the price. It is almost superfluous to mention that the demand for free appointments is quite high and the successful reservation requires a time planning of several months in advance. 

Learn more on provider's website
and book your unique stay here

Heavenly city residence for lovers where sleep is still sacred

Chapel Apartment in Amsterdam | Former Shelterchurch houses one of the most unusual love nests in the Netherlands
Chapel Apartment
Former Shelterchurch from 1751 houses the most opulent guest bedroom in Amsterdam

Built at a time when Catholics in the Netherlands were forbidden to hold public services, an disused 18th century church hidden behind central Rembrandt Square has been transformed into what is certainly the city's most exciting holiday residence. Bedroom and living room were integrated directly into the chapel, where guests sleep in a double bed with the headboard directly adjoining the altar. 

It is hard to find comparable accommodation for a stay in Amsterdam. Especially not one that makes it possible to be so close to God. Not in Amsterdam or anywhere else. 

The building in which this extraordinary apartment is located was built in 1751 as a so-called "Shelterchurch" for Catholic believers who were oppressed and persecuted in the Protestant Netherlands at that time in the practice of their faith.

That's why the apartment is also a little off the beaten track in a small and quiet alley. From the outside it looks like a normal house. Inside, however, a small chapel of extraordinary beauty is hidden, which is now fully available for overnight guests from all over the world who are looking for something special.

Who ever dreamed of lolling in front of an altar will be thrilled by this bedroom. It is located directly on the altar wall of the church nave. You literally lay your head on the altar, looking up at the heavenly ceiling picture, which shines brightly through numerous skylights.

In addition to the luxurious bed with spring mattress, the newly used sacred room is equipped with a large-screen flat-screen TV, a DVD player, wireless LAN and surprisingly ingenious lighting technology with differently coloured light. 

Even the incoming daylight can be regulated by remote-controlled curtains on the skylights. In this way, a wide variety of moods and room effects can be created.

From the first floor you have a wonderful view over the railing to the altar and the living and sleeping area. Up here is also a comfortable bathroom with luxurious sanitary facilities, heating, bath and shower, washbasin and toilet. Unfortunately, access is not suitable for disabled people.

The kitchen has all the modern conveniences you would expect: coffee maker, fridge, microwave, dishwasher and kettle. Coffee and tea are provided free of charge; other drinks such as fruit juice, wine and beer are charged at pure expense (usual retail prices).

Although the apartment is located in one of the busiest night quarters of Amsterdam, there are no disturbing noises from outside even on weekends. The location is perfect only a few minutes' walk from the main railway station. Also all main sights, the most important night clubs, bars and many restaurants are within walking distance. The building also has a small but nice terrace.

Please note: Smoking is not allowed! Bed linen and towels are included in the price. The landlord accepts bookings and reservations only from a minimum stay of three nights. Discounts are available on request for single occupancy or stays of seven or more nights.

Learn more on provider's website
and book your unique stay here

Freitag, 6. April 2018

A cosy suite with log cabin look takes you into the magic world of the Rocky Mountains

Mountain Fever themed hotel suite in Illinois | This unique designed hotel room in blockhouse style keeps the spirit of the Rocky Mountains alive
Mountain Fever Suite
This unique designed hotel room in blockhouse style keeps the spirit of the Rocky Mountains 

Have you ever been gripped by mountain fever? Then maybe you know the inner urge to just drop everything and escape from the hectic stress and monotony of everyday life. If you've always secretly longed for a cosy mountain hut, you'll hardly be able to resist this unusual hotel suite in the style of a rustic log cabin in the Rocky Mountains.

However, the authentic experience is complemented by urban furnishings with all conceivable amenities, from a laptop safe and car park with a power outlet to a 24 hour accessible swimming pool, which far surpasses the comfort of accommodation in the mountains. 

Wellness lovers with a penchant for the rustic and a touch of a drop-out mentality will be thrilled by this themed room!

Our log cabin suite is not located in the Rocky Mountains, but it certainly conveys the illusion of being there. Every detail has been carefully considered and carefully weighed so that overnight guests can relax in their private 'log cabin'. 

The ceiling and walls of round timber beams and a majestic stone fireplace fulfil the most important criteria for a cosy mountain hut of your dreams. The bathtub for two persons has comfortable reclining seats and massage jets for pampering. A large-screen plasma TV in sight allows you to watch the film programme from the comfort of your bathtub. 

The whirlpool also has a heating regulator with which the water temperature can be individually adjusted to personal preferences. The decoration with small pine trees, the waterfall in the corner and the view of the window with engraved mountain motif, which separates the whirlpool tub from the shower and sauna, create a special flair in the changing light of the glass fibre lighting. 

After the sauna, a generous multi-function shower offers cooling and relaxation. The offer ranges from steam showers, head and hand showers to rain showers that give you the feeling of standing under a waterfall.

All furniture was specially designed for the log cabin suite. The handmade bed with tailor-made mattress convinces with so much comfort that you hardly want to miss it anymore! The second plasma flat screen TV above the fireplace can be viewed either from the bed or from the chair. And for those who want to be up to date at all times, a (third) plasma TV is even available in the bathroom.

After all, what could be more romantic than drinking a glass of wine and cuddling on a soft carpet of fur in front of a crackling fireplace? Have a nice cup of coffee in the morning from Keurig's capsule machine before it's time to leave the'hut' to return to civilization reluctantly. The dream of a cosy log cabin has come true even without mountains. The Rocky Mountains will have to wait!

One night is not enough to take full advantage of this luxurious accommodation. A DVD player, CD player, coffee machine, three plasma TVs, a fridge, microwave and a private bar are just some of the amenities available to guests. Let the log cabin suite inspire you and put all your constraints aside! Nothing less than a time-out from civilization awaits you here. 

The outdoor area with covered picnic tables and grills, as well as generous parking spaces (for trucks, boat trailers etc.) with free sockets.

The hotel also has a swimming pool that can be used for swimming at any time, as the pool area is open 24 hours a day, unlike conventional hotels. Tropical trees and plants, warm temperatures and the gentle splash of a waterfall lend the oversized sports pool (8 x 11 metres) a touch of Caribbean flair. A large jacuzzi with massage jets and space for 20 people serves both for regeneration and communication. After all, a steam bath and sauna, which promise unlimited spa pleasures, ensure a full pampering programme. 

Next door you can watch TV on one of the 55" flat screens while your kids play under your eyes in the pool or try some of the many slot machines in the game room.

Learn more on provider's website 

and book your unique stay here

Make Love not War on a converted cannon gun carriage in Transylvania

Military themed Howitzer hotel room | In the world's only howitzer room, overnight guests immediately get the feeling of being on the front line standing their ground | Most of the room is occupied by a gun that aims with the tube from the slit-shaped window and whose mount has been converted into an original bed for leisure warriors. After strenuous adventure activities or strenuous military training in the adjacent theme park, a peaceful sleep is guaranteed
Howitzer Room
This military themed hotel accommodation in Romania brings out heavy ordnance

The Howitzer Room in Transylvania is unique in the world: here, overnight guests immediately have the feeling of being at the front line! Most of the room is occupied by a gun that aims with the tube from the slit-shaped window and whose mount has been converted into an original bed. 

The military ambience is accentuated by appropriate wall decorations and typical army furnishing elements. But the martial impression is deceptive: there is neither danger nor the thunder of guns at night from the discarded gun barrel. After strenuous adventure activities or strenuous military training in the adjacent theme park, a restful and peaceful sleep is guaranteed.

The howitzer room is one of the special overnight stays in a military theme park near Sibiu in Romania, which is unparalleled in its kind in Europe. 

During the Second World War, the site was the second largest ammunition producer in Europe, and even in Communist times it was considered the most heavily guarded place in the country.

Since its opening in 2009, the amusement park for adventurous leisure warriors and experienced contemporaries has become popular as far as China as a destination for active holidays and teambuilding and is fully booked for groups months in advance. 

The resort's own 3-star hotel can accommodate a total of 230 guests. Eccentric tourists have the choice between simple officers' quarters and unusual quarters such as underground bunkers, howitzer rooms or armoured infantry fighting vehicles in which they can stay in style. Without having to do without the amenities of a hotel.

Real adventurers and recreational warriors always push to be in the front line. This is exactly where you find yourself as soon as you open the door to one of the four howitzer rooms. An original night camp on a gun mount, while the gun barrel protrudes threateningly from the sight slit. It's hard to get any closer to what's happening. 

A comfortable mattress offers enough space for two people not to get too close together - unless you wish. The stimulating invitation of the Romanian poet Păunescu "Iubiţi-vă pe tunuri!" "("Make love on the cannons") could be taken literally here. The howitzer rooms, in total four can be booked, are equipped with television, heating and a private bathroom.

With around 150 military exhibits, the outdoor area houses the largest military open-air museum in Romania, including tracked tanks, anti-aircraft guns, rocket launchers, military vehicles, or even a military train and a combat helicopter. 

The military park covers an area of 88 hectares and offers about 12 km of trails in the middle of a deciduous forest for various activities. There are countless activities to choose from, ranging from the adrenaline kick of a power jump (variant of bungee jumping) from the water tower to exciting rides in tracked vehicles to recreational relaxation in the newly built aqua park with 7 pools. 

Attractions await even the youngest, for whom an activity park for children and young people up to 13 years of age has recently been set up.

Skaters and cyclists have access to a skate park and 16 different cycle tracks. If you want to go high, you can prove yourself on the climbing course. The six routes are color-coded according to the level of difficulty. On the most dangerous, the red marked one, one climbs up to 20 meters height. The 600-metre long rope slide (Zipline), with which you can race down from a height of 45 metres, is also popular. 

There is also an artificial ice rink, tennis courts, game rooms, mini golf, a fitness room and the possibility of military training under real conditions. This also includes shooting training with real ammunition. You can improve your aiming skills in archery or in a group with paintball or airsoft rifles simulating an indoor guerrilla fight with a helmet and full camouflage. 

Those who still have enough energy in the evening can watch a film in the open air cinema, visit the program in the amphitheatre or exchange stories around the campfire. It's time for barbecues, music and fun. The culmination of an eventful day full of sport and adventure is the dinner in the "Officer's mess". The park restaurant with two terraces and field seating offers healthy and inexpensive food.

Learn more on provider's website 
and book your unique stay here

First movie themed hotel rooms with private cinema balcony lodge

Cinema Loge Suite unique in Europe | Enjoy an overnight stay in one of four exceptional film themed hotel rooms with private balcony access leading directly in the connected cinema hall, which is not far from Zurich | From 3 p. m. daily, hotel guests can watch all films from their personal balcony box. The cinema loge is equipped with 2 electronically adjustable luxury armchairs
Cinema Loge Suite
World-wide unique: overnight stay with movie theater access in Switzerland 

From the bedroom directly to the cinema and vice versa - to make that dream come true, either you have to have magical abilities or you go to Switzerland. 

A film experience world with a hotel in the canton of Aarau fulfils the dream of cineasts: nowhere else is it possible to watch a film in pyjamas and then fall into bed straight away, or take a nap between two films. 

Four unusual themed rooms are available for this Europe-wide unique cinema experience of a special kind. The guest only needs to step through the discreet door in the corner of the room and he is already in his private box in a cinema with 230 seats. 

Electronically adjustable cinema armchairs, free drinks from the minibar and an audio technology that is way ahead of its time make this visit to the cinema a real key experience.

A total of four such rooms are available, which are suitable for cult films such as' Harry Potter',' Lord of the Rings',' James Bond 007' and' Pirates of the Caribbean', and in addition offer direct access to the private loggia in the large cinema hall via a connecting door. 

The film programme, which is shown daily from 3 pm onwards, can be watched there free of charge on two electronically adjustable armchairs. In the evening you can make yourself comfortable in the luxury private box, even in your pajamas, and fall directly into bed after the credits.

The cinema has an innovative loudspeaker system that puts the audience right in the middle of the action. 

Only here can you experience the sound of a new Dolby Atmos sound system equipped with groundbreaking Fohhn loudspeakers. A 64-channel system enables sound that has never before been heard in the cinema. 

The bass makes the armchairs vibrate and the sounds are so amazingly lifelike, as if the helicopters in the film were actually flying around you and hitting the bullets right next to the seat. 

The current movies can be requested in the week of booking from Monday afternoon via the contact button or via the provider's live chat. As a hotel guest of a lodge accommodation you can watch every day from 3 pm on every movie from the program for room 5 in your personal cinema box office.

The differently designed rooms are each equipped with a box spring bed, a large bathroom, desk and a flat screen TV with satellite channels. The well-assorted mini-bar contains various drinks such as prosecco, beer and non-alcoholic soft drinks, which are available free of charge. The overnight price also includes a rich breakfast buffet.

Unfortunately, no extra beds or children are allowed in the film room (as films with an age rating are also included in the programme). You also have to be older than 26 years if you want to be pampered by the team of the hotel restaurant in the cinema balcony lounge (can be booked on request). 

In the pleasant atmosphere of Kinsaal 2 you will enjoy an excellent dinner before the film. At the beginning of the film you simply turn on the comfortable leather armchair to the screen. During the performance break a delicious dessert is finally served. 

Access to the' Vip-Lounge' with furniture made of wood, fur and artificial fire is also reserved exclusively for Lodge guests and Member Card holders, where you can relax with cocktails and snacks before and after the cinema presentation. 

The entire entertainment complex with several restaurants, bars, a brewery and a bowling center has been designed in the style of a busy international airport. In the entrance hall there is a' departure board' with the current film titles, and the asphalted foyer is reminiscent of a runway. 

The cinemas camouflage themselves as terminals or gates, the box offices resemble check-in and the kiosk looks like a duty-free shop. Even cinema tickets have consequently the form of a boarding pass. And while visiting the A-la-carte restaurant (70 seats), guests will find themselves in the fuselage of a U52 aircraft, where they can travel around the world on comfortable aircraft seats, at least in a culinary way.

The hotel is barely more than 30 kilometres away from Zurich, so that after the brilliant overnight experience, a detour or an extended stay in the Swiss capital is also possible. 

Learn more on provider's website
and book your unique stay here