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Mittwoch, 23. Mai 2018

Im Straßenkreuzer durch Vegas mit Elvis im Ohr - Übernachten auf Amerikanisch

Las Vegas Suite in Deutschland | Suchst du originelle Reise-Inspirationen und besondere Ideen für den etwas anderen Aufenthalt? Mit einer Übernachtung in dieser nostalgischen Retro-Suite  wird die Reise nach Niedersachsen zum einzigartigen Erlebnis, wie es in keinem Reiseführer steht | Wer ohne Flug und lange Anreise das amerikanische Lebensgefühl der 60er Jahre erleben will, sollte dieses ungewöhnliche Themenzimmer mit Elvis-Figur, American Diner und Ami-Schlitten unbedingt auf den Wunschzettel für die Reise nach Norddeutschland setzen!
Las Vegas Suite 
Nostalgische Retro-Unterkunft in Niedersachsen für Fans der amerikanischen Rock 'n Roll Ära 

Noch bevor der Strip in Las Vegas populär wurde, war die 'Fremont Street' in den 50er bis 70er Jahren der Inbegriff der amerikanischen Vergnügungskultur und alleiniger Anziehungspunkt in der Stadt der Lichter. Das Themenzimmer 'Las Vegas' weckt die Ära der 'Ami-Schlitten' und des Rock'n Roll zu neuem Leben. 

Nostalgiker finden bei ihrem nächtlichen Stop in der legendären Fremont Street nicht nur typische Diner-Möbel und eine singende Elvis-Figur, sondern auch ein originelles Bett vor klassischer Las Vegas-Kulisse, dessen Fußende die Front einer echten Buick-Kühlerhaube mit funktionierenden Scheinwerfern ziert. 

Das Zimmer im Retro-Look ist die perfekte Unterkunft für schwelgerische Revivals oder die Wiederentdeckung einer bewegten Zeit.

Autos wecken Emotionen und Emotionen bewegen Menschen. Diese Erkenntnis hat ein niedersächsisches Hotel als Inspiration für ein automobiles Themenzimmer im Geist der 50er und 60er Jahre aufgegriffen. 

Ein zum Sofa umfunktioniertes Fahrzeug-Heck und der pinkfarbene Kühler eines amerikanischen Buick als Bettfront beschwören Erinnerungen an wilde Jugendjahre. An den romantischen ersten Kuss im elterlichen Auto oder die auf dem Rücksitz des eigenen Wagens verbrachte Nacht bei einem Open-Air-Festival.

Wer in einem Auto mehr sieht als ein funktionales Transportmittel und alte Zeiten aufleben lassen will, der wird sich nach einer Nacht in der Unterkunft mit Elvis-Glamour wie neugeboren fühlen. Auch Design-Freunde kommen angesichts der witzigen American Diner Möbel im Stil der 50er Jahre voll auf ihre Kosten. Details wie die Lampe aus Nummernschildern, ein originales Kühler-Emblem oder die funktionierenden Autoscheinwerfer begeistern nicht nur PS-Nostalgiker.

Neben Originalität wird auch Umweltschutz groß geschrieben, angefangen von Energiesparlampen bis hin zum Durchflussbegrenzer im Bad, um Wasser einzusparen. Wie das gesamte Haus wurde das Zimmer ausschließlich mit natürlichen Textilien ausgestattet und ist dadurch besonders allergikerfreundlich. 

Bei der Zimmerreinigung steht die bewusste Vermeidung umweltschädigender Reinigungsprozesse im Vordergrund. Der Einsatz von biologisch abbaubaren Reinigungsmitteln, die frei von Chemikalien sind, gehört selbstverständlich dazu. Selbst in der hoteleigenen Wäscherei wird Wert auf die Verwendung von natürlichen Produkten gelegt.

Das Hotel bietet seinen Gästen einen Weckservice und freie Kissenwahl. Abhängig vom Schlaftyp wird bei der Ankunft auf Anfrage das jeweils passende Kissen bereitgehalten. Ob Kissen für Seitenlage, Bauchlage oder Rückenlage, Daunen- oder Federfüllung, Nackenstütze, Knautsch- oder Allergikerkissen, jeder findet hier das gewünschte Polster für einen gesunden Schlaf.

Im Übernachtungspreis ist ein gesundes und nahrhaftes Frühstück mit einer großen Auswahl an regionalen Köstlichkeiten in Buffetform enthalten. Auch Sonderwünsche wie glutenfreies Brot oder Lactose freie Milch finden bei vorheriger Angabe Berücksichtigung. Wer bereits vor der regulären Frühstückszeit abreisen muss, erhält nach Absprache mit der Rezeption ein eigens zusammengestelltes Frühstück.

Zum Hotelservice gehören Fahrradverleih und ein liebevoll gestaltetes Fitnesscenter mit Profigeräten von Matrix und Technogym. Für Fahrradfahrer hält die Rezeption Kartenmaterial bereit, um Stadt und Umgebung autofrei zu erkunden. Die Innenstadt ist nur wenige Fahrradminuten vom Hotel entfernt.  

Ab 159,- EUR pro Nacht für 2 Personen inkl. Frühstück
Weitere Informationen und Buchung über die Anbieterseite

In a road cruiser through Las Vegas with Elvis in the ear - American styled stay in Germany

Las Vegas themed hotel suite in Germany | Looking for new travel inspiration and unique lodging ideas for a somewhat different stay in Germany? With an overnight stay in this nostalgic retro suite, the trip to Lower Saxony becomes a unique experience not be found in any travel guide | If you want to experience the American way of life of the 60's, this unusual themed room with Elvis figure, American Diner and pink car bonnet of a real Buick should definitely be on your wish list for the trip to Northern Germany!
Las Vegas Suite 
Nostalgic retro accommodation in Lower Saxony for fans of the American rock'n roll era of the 60s 

Even before the Strip became popular in Las Vegas, 'Fremont Street' in the 50s to 70s was the epitome of American entertainment culture and the only attraction in the City of Lights. The theme room 'Las Vegas' brings the era of 'American sleds' and rock'n roll to new life. 

Nostalgics will not only find typical diner furniture and a singing Elvis character during their nightly stop on legendary Fremont Street, but also an original bed in front of a classic Las Vegas backdrop, the foot end of which adorns the front of a real Buick radiator hood with working headlights. 

The retro-look room is the perfect accommodation for revelry revivals or the rediscovery of an eventful time.

Cars arouse emotions and emotions move people. A hotel in Lower Saxony has taken up this insight as inspiration for an automotive themed room in the spirit of the 1950s and 1960s. 

A vehicle rear converted into a sofa and the pink radiator of an American Buick as a bed front conjure up memories of wild youth years. At the romantic first kiss in your parents' car or the night spent in the back seat of your own car at an open-air festival.

If you want to see more in a car than a functional means of transport and revive old times, you will feel like newborn after a night in this lodging with Elvis-Glamour. Design fans also get their money's worth in view of the funny American Diner furniture in the style of the 50s. Details such as the lamp from number plates, an original radiator emblem or the functioning car headlights do not only inspire PS nostalgics.

In addition to originality, environmental protection is also a top priority, starting with energy-saving lamps through to flow limiters in the bathroom to save water. Like the entire house, the room is furnished exclusively with natural textiles and is therefore particularly allergy-friendly. 

When cleaning rooms, the focus is on consciously avoiding cleaning processes that are harmful to the environment. The use of biodegradable cleaning agents that are free of chemicals is naturally part of this. Even in the hotel's own laundry, great importance is attached to the use of natural products.

The hotel offers its guests a wake-up service and free choice of cushions. Depending on the type of sleep, the appropriate pillow will be kept ready upon arrival on request. Whether pillows for lateral, prone or supine position, down or feather filling, neck support, crumpled or allergy pillows, everyone will find the desired cushion for a healthy sleep.

The overnight price includes a healthy and nutritious breakfast with a large selection of regional delicacies in buffet form. Special requests such as gluten-free bread or lactose-free milk are also taken into account when stated in advance. If you have to leave before the regular breakfast time, you will receive a special breakfast after consultation with the reception.

The hotel service includes bike rental and a lovingly designed fitness centre with professional equipment from Matrix and Technogym. The reception has maps available for cyclists to explore the city and its surroundings car-free. The city centre is only a few cycling minutes away from the hotel. 

From EUR 159,- per night for 2 persons including breakfast
Further informations and booking via the provider site

Sonntag, 6. Mai 2018

Sleepless Nights for Austin Mini Fans in Germany

Austin Mini Cooper automotive theme lodging | This unusual designed hotel accommodation in Lower Saxony has original parts from MINI car as wall decoration and a real front bonnet converted to desk | Car lovers and fans of British driving culture are guaranteed soft knees when entering this theme room in Germany
Mini Cooper themed room
Lovers of the British cult automobil are guaranteed soft knees when entering this hotel room in Lower Saxony! 

This lovingly designed car room of a city hotel in Lower Saxony surrounds its guests with British charm. Lovers of Austin Mini will enjoy the themed accommodation with racing car character. The equipment with original MINI car parts makes all fan hearts beat faster and transports a simple overnight stay to an inspiring journey through the world of the English cult car.  

One of the Mini Cooper's best-known'ambassadors' is'Mister Bean' from the comedy series of the same name, which made the small car very popular. That's why it should not be missing in the collector's showcase, which gives the finishing touches to the room furnishings with model cars and various fan articles.   

There are supposed to be contemporaries who are reluctant to go outside without a mobile vehicle. The mini room now even makes it possible to spend the night with a car without having to roll out your sleeping bag in the garage. And what a car! 

The three metre long car brand from England even finished the Monte Carlo Rally as the winner. Despite its small dimensions, it has long since proven its universal character. So why not sleep happily between mini doors, fenders and original car seats? 
Mister Bean's Teddy, whom the serial hero loves at least as much as his Mini, is already in bed on arrival.

With so much Union Jack flair, who can resist? The little traffic light man in front of the room door glows green when it's ready for his guests. And red, if you want to remain undisturbed. Inside surprises beside all kinds of car body decoration on the walls a halved mini with lighting and built-in desk under the radiator hood (including sockets and Internet connection). Brand knick-knacks in the wall display case and glowing flashing lights guarantee sweet (car) dreams. 

In addition to originality, environmental protection is also a priority in this themed room, from energy-saving lamps to flow limiters in the bathroom to save water.  Like the entire house, the room is furnished exclusively with natural textiles and is therefore particularly allergy-friendly. When cleaning rooms, the focus is on consciously avoiding cleaning processes that are harmful to the environment. The use of biodegradable cleaning agents that are free of chemicals is naturally part of this. Even in the hotel's own laundry, great importance is attached to the use of natural products. 

The hotel offers its guests a wake-up service and free choice of cushions. Depending on the type of sleep, the appropriate pillow will be kept ready upon arrival on request.  Whether pillows for lateral, prone or supine position, down or feather filling, neck support, crumpled or allergy pillows, everyone will find the desired cushion for a healthy sleep.

The overnight price includes a healthy and nutritious breakfast with a large selection of regional delicacies in buffet form. Special requests such as gluten-free bread or lactose-free milk are also taken into account when stated in advance.  If you have to leave before the regular breakfast time, you will receive a special breakfast after consultation with the reception. 

The hotel service contains bike rental and a lovingly designed fitness centre with professional equipment from Matrix and Technogym. The reception has maps available for cyclists to explore the city and its surroundings car-free. The city centre is only a few cycling minutes away from the hotel. 

From EUR 149,- per night for 2 persons including breakfast
Further informations and booking via the provider site

Schlaflose Nächte für Austin Mini Fans in Deutschland

Austin Mini Cooper Erlebnis-Zimmer | Diese ungewöhnlich gestaltete Hotelunterkunft in Niedersachsen besitzt eine zum Schreibtisch umgebaute Auto-Kühlerhaube und teils funktionsfähige MINI-Originalteile als Wanddekoration  | Liebhaber der britischen Kult-Marke bekommen beim Anblick des Themenzimmers garantiert weiche Knie!
Mini Cooper Themenzimmer
Liebhaber der britischen Kult-Marke bekommen beim Betreten dieses Hotelzimmers in Niedersachsen garantiert weiche Knie! 

Dieses liebevoll gestaltete Autozimmer eines niedersächsischen Stadthotels umfängt seine Gäste mit britischem Charme. Liebhaber von Austin Mini werden ihre helle Freude an der Themen-Unterkunft mit Rennwagen-Charakter haben. Die Ausstattung mit original MINI-Autoteilen lässt alle Fan-Herzen höher schlagen und befördert eine simple Übernachtung zu einer inspirierenden Reise durch die Welt des englischen Kultwagens. 

Zu den bekanntesten 'Botschaftern' des Mini Cooper zählt 'Mister Bean' alias Roald Atkinson aus der gleichnamigen Comedyserie, die dem Kleinwagen hohe Sympathiewerte verschaffte. Deshalb darf er auch nicht in der Sammlervitrine fehlen, die der Zimmereinrichtung mit Modellautos und diversen Fanartikeln den letzten Schliff gibt.

Es soll Zeitgenossen geben, die nur ungern ohne fahrbaren Untersatz vor die Türe gehen. Das Mini-Zimmer macht es jetzt sogar möglich, die Nacht mit einem Auto zu verbringen ohne den Schlafsack in der Garage ausrollen zu müssen. Und was für ein Auto! 

Das drei Meter lange Fabrikat aus England fuhr sogar bei der Rallye von Monte Carlo als Sieger ins Ziel. Trotz seiner geringen Maße hat es seinen universellen Charakter längst bewiesen. Warum also nicht zwischen Mini-Türen, Kotflügeln und original Autositzen selig schlafen?! 
Mister Bean's Teddy, den der Serienheld mindestens genauso liebt wie seinen Mini, liegt bei der Ankunft schon im Bett.

Wer kann bei soviel Union Jack-Flair noch widerstehen? Das Ampelmännchen vor der Zimmertür leuchtet grün, wenn es für seine Gäste bereit ist. Und rot, wenn man ungestört bleiben will. Drinnen überrascht neben allerlei Karosserie-Deko an den Wänden ein halbierter Mini mit Beleuchtung und eingebautem Schreibtisch unter der Kühlerhaube (samt Steckdosen und Internetanschluss). Marken-Nippes in der Wandvitrine und leuchtende Blinklichter garantieren süße (Auto)Träume. 

Neben Originalität wird in diesem Themenzimmer auch der Umweltschutz groß geschrieben, angefangen von Energiesparlampen bis hin zum Durchflussbegrenzer im Bad, um Wasser einzusparen. Wie das gesamte Haus wurde das Zimmer ausschließlich mit natürlichen Textilien ausgestattet und ist dadurch besonders allergikerfreundlich. Bei der Zimmerreinigung steht die bewusste Vermeidung umweltschädigender Reinigungsprozesse im Vordergrund. Der Einsatz von biologisch abbaubaren Reinigungsmitteln, die frei von Chemikalien sind, gehört selbstverständlich dazu. Selbst in der hoteleigenen Wäscherei wird Wert auf die Verwendung von natürlichen Produkten gelegt. 

Das Hotel bietet seinen Gästen einen Weckservice und freie Kissenwahl. Abhängig vom Schlaftyp wird bei der Ankunft auf Anfrage das jeweils passende Kissen bereitgehalten. Ob Kissen für Seitenlage, Bauchlage oder Rückenlage, Daunen- oder Federfüllung, Nackenstütze, Knautsch- oder Allergikerkissen, jeder findet hier das gewünschte Polster für einen gesunden Schlaf. 

Im Übernachtungspreis ist ein gesundes und nahrhaftes Frühstück mit einer großen Auswahl an regionalen Köstlichkeiten in Buffetform enthalten. Auch Sonderwünsche wie glutenfreies Brot oder Lactose freie Milch finden bei vorheriger Angabe Berücksichtigung. Wer bereits vor der regulären Frühstückszeit abreisen muss, erhält nach Absprache mit der Rezeption ein eigens zusammengestelltes Frühstück. 

Zum Hotelservice gehören Fahrradverleih und ein liebevoll gestaltetes Fitnesscenter mit Profigeräten von Matrix und Technogym. Für Fahrradfahrer hält die Rezeption Kartenmaterial bereit, um Stadt und Umgebung autofrei zu erkunden. Die Innenstadt ist nur wenige Fahrradminuten vom Hotel entfernt. 

Ab 149,- EUR pro Nacht für 2 Personen inkl. Frühstück
Weitere Informationen und Buchung über die Anbieterseite

Dienstag, 10. April 2018

Experience the French way of life with a Citroen 2CV transformed into a funky bed

Citroen 2CV Loft in Paris | This unique designed vacation rental includes a converted french vintage car serving as an unusual bed
Citroen 2CV Loft
This unique designed vacation rental in Paris includes a converted french vintage car serving as an unusual bed 

If you have ever dreamed of exclusive access to a landmark, this apartment in Paris is the perfect place to stay overnight. However, the sights are not the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre or the Moulin Rouge, but a French cult vehicle. 

Because in the center of the 40 square meters large vacation home stands a bright red Citroen 2CV, which the owner converted into an original night camp for its guests. 

With a width of just 125 cm, the car bed may not be very spacious, but it has good suspension and is therefore ideal for young couples in love or children who normally hog the playful bed on wheels with great enthusiasm. 

The characteristic vehicle with its round and curved forms is considered the epitome of the French way of life and gained great popularity and cult status in neighbouring countries in the 1970s under affectionate nicknames such as 'Duck' (Germany) or 'Döschwo' (Switzerland). 

At its premiere at the Paris Motor Show in 1948, the attempt to establish the model as a French response to the German VW Beetle still earned the scorn of experts, which gave it the derisive title of 'bathtub of the century'. 

But although production was stopped in 1988 after more than 5 million sold vehicles, the duck has lost none of its fascination to this day. The 2CV (from french 'deux cheveaux' - two horses) was particularly popular among students, because the Citroen was not only regarded as a simple means of transport, but also embodied an attitude to life. 

No wonder that in Paris exclusive city tours with the typical French car are offered in the meantime, and the classic car is particularly sought after by tourists as a photo motif. But spending a whole night in a Citroen 2CV converted into a bed is only reserved for a few visitors to the Seine metropolis.  

If the space seems too cramped or if you are simply looking for a change, another bed is available in the holiday apartment, which also has a special feature: it is circular and thus takes up the nostalgic car design of the 70s! In contrast to this is the rest of the furnishing of the loft, which has been designed for up to 5 people and is emphatically modern. 

The use of steel structures, floor lighting and the overall bright and colourful design with synthetic resin give this unique accommodation on the northern edge of Paris its unmistakable character. Further equipment includes a large flat screen TV with wall mount, two single beds and a practical kitchen complete with oven, ceramic stove, refrigerator and freezer, coffee machine, microwave and dishes.  

In order to guarantee the comfort and privacy of the guests, the holiday apartment on the ground floor has its own door, bathroom and toilet. Only the entrance area of the house is shared by the three independent apartments in the house. The extraordinary holiday home also offers the possibility of self-catering. As the supermarket and bakeries are in the immediate vicinity, breakfast is not included in the overnight price, but can optionally be booked in addition for an extra charge. 

As a guest you don't have to renounce additional comfort, which is not always a matter of course even for more expensive hotel rooms in Paris: next to air conditioning, soap and care products, hair dryer, umbrella, travel guide or maps provided, the urban apartment also surprises with free parking (on request), broadband Internet via WLAN and digital television with 250 channels (including English language channels). 

On arrival you will not only find towels and bed linen, but also a 'French survival kit' with baguette, saucisson and a bottle of red wine to welcome you. The personal reception by the owner who lives nearby is not only warm and competent, but also conveniently multilingual (French, German, English). The various tips for activities and shopping and restaurant recommendations that you can pick up from the passionate Parisian at the same time are probably priceless and certainly not available at any hotel reception in the city. 

The location in the north of Paris may not sound central, but because the metro station is only a few minutes' walk away, it is absolutely convenient to reach the most important sights of Paris in a short time. Besides that, a real highlight is right on the doorstep: with more than 5 million visitors, the Saint-Ouen flea market is not only the fourth largest attraction in the city, but also one of the oldest and largest antique markets in the world. 

Here, almost 2000 used goods of all kinds are on sale in cosmopolitan ambience from Saturday to Monday. From old toys, jewellery and crockery over junk & kitsch, antiquarian books, cards, posters and militaria to records, worn clothes, lamps, works of art and of course furniture, there are rarities to suit every taste and budget. Apart from that, dealers with new goods are represented as well as inexpensive snack offers.

The chic design accommodation, which is located in a former fireplace shop, has a fair price that is well received by families and friends travelling together. Accommodation for up to three persons costs an affordable 125,- EUR per night. One or two additional persons are charged with only 10,- EUR surcharge. Of course without breakfast and tourist tax (0,45 EUR per day and per person). 

Happily enough, the final cleaning of the unusual holiday apartment is also included in the price. It is almost superfluous to mention that the demand for free appointments is quite high and the successful reservation requires a time planning of several months in advance. 

Learn more on provider's website
and book your unique stay here

Mittwoch, 7. März 2018

Sleep in a converted vintage Cadillac from the 50s

American Drive-in Cinema Suite with bed in a Cadillac | Themed hotel room | This love nest for a romantic stay in California, decorated in the style of an American car cinema of the 60's, has an original Cadillac converted into a bed for a dreamy night in front of the big screen | Find out more or follow the board and discover many more theme rooms and unusual hotels in the USA
Automotive themed hotel Suite in California
Drive-in Suite
A themed hotel room in California keeps the American myth of the drive-in cinema alive

For all those who want to immerse themselves in the world of the 50's or to rediscover the era of rock' n' roll, this suite should be the perfect introduction to the past! 

The age of boogie-woogie and petticoat already sets acoustic and optical' fragrance marks' as soon as you enter the scene: in the background rock' n' roll music rags while the eye is the first to perceive brightly coloured neon light and illuminated advertising. 
The furnishings are modeled after a drive-in cinema, as was the case in America in the 50s fashion - with a parked convertible in front of the screen, a projector and an atmospheric snack bar! 

Kilroy was here

The undisputed focal point of the room installation is the open, white Cadillac (built in 1956), which has been converted into a bed! At the beginning, the lovingly designed snack bar is the perfect place to play monopoly and listen to music over a glass of wine. 

Afterwards, the private whirlpool and open fireplace fire provides relaxation before a classic film flickers over the screen, which can be enjoyed comfortably from the Cadillac. 

You can choose from cinematic titbits of the fifties such as 'Grease', 'American Graffiti' or 'Rebel without a cause' (the classics par excellence). In the car you can cuddle up in a romantic way or finally realize your fantasies in reality. Whoever simply falls asleep in this Cadillac is to blame!

The Hollywood lettering on the wall also marks the door opener to the hidden bathroom, in which time-typical graffiti ('Kilroy was here') and a washbasin in the form of a radiator hood set original accents. It is hard to sum up the decade of Elvis-Tolle and Capri-Sun more authentically and vividly in a themed suite. 

Learn more on provider's website
and book your unique stay here