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Posts mit dem Label Outdoor werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Montag, 20. August 2018

Most crazy Glamping spots to spend the night in Europe

Unique UFO pod for vacations in Austria | As from the other star: this quirky Glamping accommodation in form of a landed UFO is a real eye-catcher ! For exterrestrial holiday stays this habitable flying saucer is the only one in the world and therefore very popular in summertime | Learn more or discover many other outdoor lodgings in Europe!
Top 20 | Stunning Glamping accommodations for unfor-gettable camping holidays
A selection of the most beautiful outdoor lodgings, which combine the glamorous form of camping with an original 'wow' experience

From  per night for 2 persons including breakfast 
Learn more on provider's website and book your unique stay here

Bomb shelter in Holland converted into holiday home | This minimalistically designed lodging in a former WWII bunker allows unique overnight stays behind meter-thick concrete walls | The multi-functional equipment has been designed to save space
Trafalgar Bus Glamping Retreat in United Kingdom (County Durham) | The idea of transforming a retired city bus into a luxurious accommodation may not be one of the most original ideas, but this modified iconic London double-decker bus with private bathtub & outdoor whirlpool in the north-east of England exceeds all expectations and can rightly be called unusual | The entrance door of the cult vehicle looks like from the seat of government Downing Street 10

Glass Glamping Pyramid in the french Cevennes for a unique outdoor stay under the starry sky | This transparent accommodation in elevated position offers stunnig views and provides a romantic hideout for lovers | The view from the summit is exceptional | Under one of the most beautiful night skies in the world awaits you a dazzling starry spectacle
Grower Glamping Cabin in the Netherlands | This awesome holiday home by the sea only 30 Minutes from Amsterdam invites its inhabitants to work as gardeners. Thanks to minifarming, guests of the shack in the green can plant and harvest freshly from vegetable plots, from walls and from roof all year round. The overnight stay at a camp ground includes seeds and gardening tools | Learn more or discover other quirky outdoor accommodations!

Helicopter Glamping in the Scottish Highlands for the whole family | Exclusive holiday cabin in a converted Royal Navy military helicopter for demanding nature lovers with a sense of comfort & glamour, which find conventional camping rather suspicious | Learn more or discover many other original glamping accommodations at the most beautiful outdoor locations in Europe!
Homoki Lodge Resort - Glamping stay in Mongolian yurts | Demanding nature lovers with sense for luxury and glamour will love the thermo-insulated designer yurts with air conditioning, mini bar & whirlpool in the Hungarian Puszta | Not only unique in Hungary: from the dream bed on the gallery round roof windows offer a breathtaking view of the unique starry sky at night | Learn more or discover further extravagant Glamping accommodations in Europe!

Converted grain silo for romantic open-air overnight stays under the starry sky | This unique accommodation on Lake Constance has a folding convertible roof for stargazing and belongs to a holiday farm that offers not only silo glamping but also cow riding or workshops for cheese making | Learn more on website or discover other unusual Glamping accommodations in Switzerland and elsewhere
Travel unique in Moravia | WWII Air-raid shelter converted to unusual hotel lodging | This minimalist bunker accommodation is equipped with scrapped helmets and guns for souvenir photos | The authentic overnight stay is connected with breakfast and pool access in the nearby hotel where guests can also use toilet and bathroom

Cave Glamping in the pyramid suite in France | Exclusive overnight stay in the underground fairytale world of a stalactite cave in the French Cevennes | The option to spend the night in a subterrean pyramid with spectacular views of the million-year-old natural dripstone wonders in the belly of Occitania is unique worldwide
US Army Glamping Camp in Idaho | Military themed accommodation in a former US Army command truck in the northwest of the USA | Overnight on camp beds in a true-to-life van truck that once served the battalion commander as a tactical operations centre and provides air-conditioned comfort for up to six people | For protection, the military camp has an MG nest of sandbags with a machine gun

Glamping in the helicopter cottage on the Isle of Wight | Ready for the island in a 1965 naval helicopter converted into accommodation, which was still in use during the Falkland War in 1982 | Together with an extension for kitchen and toilet in matching camouflage paint, the ensemble forms an original outdoor retreat for the whole family. From the original equipment of the aircraft up to the cockpit many original details remained.
Unique Glamping stay in Austria: Vienna Trailer | This original American Airstream caravan from 1952 in the green backyard of a Viennese hotel contains a luxury guest room with private bathtub | Vienna Trailer combines individual caravan camping in the countryside with all the amenities of a comfortable hotel stay in the city | The 7-metre Airstream was imported from America and transformed into a funky accommodation

Spherical Glamping tent in the heart of nature! | Dreamlike located in a nature reserve in Corsica, this luxurious living sphere with sea view offers all the amenities for a comfortable stay | Spectacular suspended on a steep mountain wall, guests can feel like birds in their nest and enjoy the sensational views | Learn more or discover many other outdoor lodgings in France!
Treehouse Hotel 'Octagon & Spa'  | Check out this luxury treehouse cabin located just 45 minutes north of Paris! Inspired by love of nature and passion for innovation, the architecturally extravagant tree refuge with own terrace at a height of 13 metres combines highest design with the comfort of a private outdoor spa accessible via a suspension bridge | Learn more or discover other extraordinary treehouses and Glamping lodgings for nature lovers in Europe!

Stargazer Dome in France | Unusual Glamping accommodation located in the forest with unique glass roof over the bed | This is your choice if you're looking for a romantic hideout close to nature with awesome view of the starry sky | Learn more or discover many other Glamping ideas with special kick for your next holidays!

Die irrsten Glamping Spots in Europa

Einzigartiger UFO-Pod für den glamourösen Camping-Urlaub in Österreich | Wie vom anderen Stern: diese originelle Glamping Unterkunft in Form eines gelandeten Ufo's ist ein echter Hingucker ! Der außerirdische Aufenthalt muss jedoch früh gebucht werden, denn die bewohnbare fliegende Untertasse ist weltweit einzigartig und im Sommer sehr gefragt | Mehr erfahren oder weitere trendige Outdoor-Unterkünfte von den beliebtesten Glamping-Locations in Europa entdecken!
Unsere Top 20 | Staunenswerte Glamping-Unterkünfte für extravagante Camping-Momente
Eine Auswahl der schönsten Glamping-Angebote in Europa, die die glamouröse Form des Campings mit einem originellen 'Wow'-Erlebnis vereinen

From  per night for 2 persons including breakfast 
Learn more on provider's website and book your unique stay here
Umgebauter Getreidesilo für romantische Open-Air Übernachtungen | Dieser einzigartige Glamping-Silo am Bodensee verfügt über ein aufklappbares Cabrio-Dach zum Sternegucken und gehört zu einem innovativen Ferien-Bauernhof,  der neben Glamping unterm Sternenhimmel auch Kuhreiten für echte 'Cowboys' oder Kurse zum Käsen anbietet | Mehr erfahren oder weitere glamouröse Outdoor-Unterkünfte an den schönsten Camping-Locations in der Schweiz und anderswo entdecken!
Höhlen-Glamping in der Pyramiden-Suite in Frankreich | Exklusiver Aufenthalt in der unterirdischen Märchenwelt einer Tropfsteinhöhle in den französischen Cevennen | Nur hier bietet sich die weltweit einmalige Chance, eine glamouröse Nacht in der transparenten Pyramide mit Blick auf das Millionen Jahre alte Naturwunder im Bauch von Okzitanien zu verbringen | Mehr erfahren oder weitere Unterkünfte für Naturliebhaber entdecken, denen Camping eher suspekt erscheint

Glamping im Hubschrauber Cottage auf der Isle of Wight | Reif für die Insel in einem zur Unterkunft umfunktionierten Marine-Helikopter von 1965, der noch 1982 während des Falkland-Krieges eingesetzt war | Zusammen mit einem Anbau für Küche und Toilette in passender Tarnlackierung bildet das Ensemble ein originelles Outdoor-Refugium für die ganze Familie. Von der ursprünglichen Ausstattung des Flugzeugs blieben bis hin zum Cockpit viele originale Details erhalten
Glamping von seiner schönsten Seite im Vienna Trailer in Österreich! | Dieser original American Airstream Caravan von 1952 im Garten eines Wiener Hotels erweist sich als luxuriöse Glamping-Unterkunft mit privater Badewanne  | Der amerikanische Wohnanhänger im Aluminium-Look verbindet als Symbol für Freiheit, Unabhängigkeit und Mobilität individuelles Camping-Erlebnis im Grünen mit allen Annehmlichkeiten eines komfortablen Hotel-Aufenthaltes in der Stadt

Doppeldeckerbus TRAFALGAR SQUARE | Einzigartige Glamping Unterkunft im Norden Englands | In diesem typisch englischen London Bus mit Eingangstür im Downing Street Number 10 Stil können zwei Gäste übernachten und ein Bad in edlem Design mit freistehender Wanne genießen. Im ersten Stock befindet sich ein glamouröses Schlafzimmer mit vielen originalen Details aus der Zeit als der Bus noch Fahrgäste durch London fuhr | Perfektes Liebesnest mit Whirlpool im Freien
Gläserne Glamping Pyramide in den Cevennen für einen einzigartigen Outdoor-Aufenthalt in Frankreich | Diese transparente Unterkunft in erhöhter Lage bietet Naturliebhabern atemberaubende Ausblicke in die Natur und das Gefühl, eine Nacht im Freien zu verbringen. Verliebte und Sternengucker erwartet unter einem der schönsten Nachthimmel der Welt ein unvergessliches Sternen-Feuerwerk | Mehr erfahren oder weitere ausgefallene Glamping-Ideen für glamouröse Übernachtungen in Europa entdecken

Bunkerstop in Tschechien | Einzigartige Hotelunterkunft in einem Luftschutzkeller aus dem 2. Weltkrieg in Mähren | Diese minimalistische Bunker-Unterkunft verfügt über ausrangierte Helme und Waffen für Souvenir-Fotos | Die Übernachtung wird mit Frühstück und Pool-Zugang im nahe gelegenen Hotel angeboten, wo für die Gäste auch Toilette und Bad bereit stehen | Website besuchen oder Pinnwand folgen und weitere ungewöhnliche Hotels & Unterkünfte entdecken!
US Army Glamping Camp in Idaho | Militärische Outdoor-Unterkunft in einem ehemaligen Kommando-Truck der US Armee im Nordwesten der USA | Übernachtet wird auf Feldbetten in einem originalgetreu eingerichteten und klimatisierten Van Truck, der einst als taktische Einsatz-Zentrale für ein ganzes Armee-Bataillon diente | Zum Schutz verfügt das Militärcamp über ein MG-Nest aus Sandsäcken mit einem Maschinengewehr | Mehr erfahren oder weitere Glamping-Trends entdecken!

Homoki Lodge Resort - Glamping-Aufenthalt in mongolischen Jurten | Anspruchsvolle Naturliebhaber mit Sinn für Luxus und Glamour werden die thermo-isolierten Designer-Jurten mit Klimaanlage, Minibar & Whirlpool in der ungarischen Puszta lieben | Nicht nur in Ungarn einzigartig: vom Traumbett auf der Galerie bieten nachts runde Dachfenster einen atemberaubenden Blick auf den einzigartigen Sternenhimmel | Mehr erfahren oder weitere Glamping-Unterkünfte entdecken!
Gemüse-Glamping in den Niederlanden | Dieses ungewöhnliche Ferienhäuschen am Meer nur 30 Minuten von Amsterdam entfernt lädt zum Gärtnern ein. Dank Minifarming kann man in der  im Gärtner-Hütte das ganze Jahr über frisch von den Gemüsebeeten, von den Wänden und vom Dach ernten, pflanzen und säen. Das Glamping-Erlebnis auf dem Campingplatz beinhaltet Saatgut und Gartengeräte | Erfahre mehr oder entdecke weitere kuriose Übernachtungs-Ideen in freier Natur!

Helikopter Glamping in den schottischen Highlands für die ganze Familie | Exklusives Ferienheim in einem umgebauten Militär Hubschrauber der Royal Navy für anspruchsvolle Naturliebhaber mit Sinn für Glamour, die konventionelles Camping eher suspekt finden  | Mehr erfahren oder weitere originelle Glamping-Unterkünfte an den schönsten Outdoor Locations in Europa entdecken!
Stargazer Dome in Frankreich | Ungewöhnliche Glamping Unterkunft mitten im Wald mit einzigartigem Glasdach über dem Bett | Erste Wahl für Naturliebhaber, die ein romantisches Liebesnest mit Blick auf den Sternenhimmel suchen | Mehr erfahren oder weitere ausgefallene Glamping Ideen mit besonderem Kick für den nächsten Urlaub entdecken!

Einzigartig & ökologisch Übernachten in der Glamping Sphere auf Korsika | In einem Naturschutzgebiet gelegen, bietet diese kugelförmige Unterkunft mit Meerblick alle Annehmlichkeiten für einen komfortablen Aufenthalt | An einer Steilwand aufgehängt, können Gäste sich hier wie Vögel in ihrem Nest fühlen und atemberaubende Ausblicke genießen | Mehr erfahren oder weitere besondere Glamping-Spots an den schönsten Outdoor-Locations Europas entdecken!
Baumhaus-Hotel 'Octagon & Spa' mit eigener Panorama-Terrasse in 13 Meter Höhe | Inspiriert von der Liebe zur Natur und der Leidenschaft für Innovation verbindet die luxuriöse Baumhaus-Kabine 45 Minuten nördlich von Paris architektonisch anspruchsvolles Design mit dem Komfort eines privaten, über eine Hängebrücke zugänglichen Outdoor-Spa's | Mehr erfahren oder andere  extravagante Baumhäuser und Glamping-Unterkünfte in Europa entdecken!

Dienstag, 31. Juli 2018

Organic Farm Glamping in former grain silos on Lake Constance

Converted grain silo for romantic open-air overnight stays under the starry sky | This unique accommodation on Lake Constance has a folding convertible roof for stargazing and belongs to a holiday farm that offers not only silo glamping but also cow riding or workshops for cheese making | Learn more on website or discover other unusual Glamping accommodations in Switzerland and elsewhere
Glamping Silo 'Sky'
Romantic cuddle nests with sky view for stargazers in converted feed silos in Switzerland 

Where grain used to be stored, a Swiss adventure farm in the canton of Schaffhausen offers unusual overnight accommodation with a special attraction.

Two converted silos on a meadow above Lake Constance can each accommodate two people. The cosy sleeping places on a retracted wooden gallery in the upper area of the 4.50-metre-high attic are accessible via a ladder staircase. In dry weather, the skylight remains open for a romantic night outdoors. 

The round shape of the former silo promises romantic togetherness. Although the windowless depot does not at first give the impression of cosy accommodation, the unexpected inner life holds an original cuddling nest for stargazers in love. On the upper floor there are two mattress dormitories directly under the folding roof. Below, a small'lounge' with a basket bench, shelf and folding table serves as a dressing room and storage room or as a cosy hiding place for a nightcap drink. 

In the evening guests have the choice between a delicious 3-course menu from the organic farm kitchen and a romantic picnic for two at the silo. The environmentally friendly sleeping silos for couples fit into the concept of the certified organic farm, which is also an ideal starting point for a tour of Schaffhausen and the Rhine Falls or a bicycle tour along Lake Constance. 

Agriculture has been organic for more than 20 years and, in addition to the direct marketing of milk and meat, has specialised in the cultivation of old vegetables such as spring cabbage, Chioggia beetroot, Palatinate and Küttiger carrots. In addition, adventure tourism was expanded as a further mainstay. Dairy farming plays a key role here. A herd of water buffalo and 25 organic pasture cattle populate the meadows around the farm. Popular activities include milking cows, carriage rides, sawing wood, rubber boat tours on the Rhine or adventure cheese in the copper kettle. 

However, cow riding has proven to be a unique top attraction and tourist magnet. Never has the term'cowboy' and'cowgirl' been more accurate than here. During cow trekking, cow and rider undertake an adventurous ride across meadows and fields (1,5 hours approx. 89,- EUR per cow) after a short introduction and the climbing of the'saddled' cow. 

Since the silos are not heatable, an overnight stay is recommended only in the warm summer months. In cool weather a sleeping bag should be brought along. Toilets and showers are available in the common area of the Biohof. The price includes breakfast, bed linen and towels for two persons. The guests expect freshly made beds on arrival. 

From $142,- per night for 2 persons (including breakfast, bed linen and towels) 
Further informations and booking via the provider site

Donnerstag, 14. Juni 2018

Starry sky at the push of a button offers the spectacular Convertible Suite amidst the vines of Franciacorta

Cabriolet Suite with sliding roof for stargazers in Lombardy | Romantic nights under Italian starry sky promises this unusual accommodation in the vineyards between Bergamo and Lake Iseo. At the touch of a button, the luxurious hotel room offers an open-air night outdoors | Experience the magic when the roof over the bed slowly opens on its own and reveals the view of the stars!
Cabriolet Suite
A clear view of the night sky promises this exciting hotel room in a luxurious country villa near Bergamo 

Just press a button and the convertible's sunroof slowly opens to reveal the view of the night sky. What sounds like a ride in a new sports car with a folding top turns out to be a spectacular hotel room in open air mode. 

If you have always dreamed of spending the night under the stars without having to compromise on comfort and safety, you will find all the prerequisites in this invisible suite surrounded by idyllic vineyards just a few kilometres from Milan. 

The Cabrio Suite is the first choice if you want to combine closeness to nature, romance and luxury. With the surprise at the push of a button, you not only succeed in making a romantic declaration of love to your unsuspecting partner. At the same time you prove your sense of originality and correct timing. Because what could a night in an Italian 5-star hostel be better than to admire the sparkling starry sky from your bed in intimate togetherness?

Within a few seconds, the roof above the bed can be pushed aside on a rail construction. The magic of this amazing device can hardly be described and certainly not compared to a profanely open window. The magic unfolds while lying down, when the view upwards does not end at the ceiling, but attracts the attention of the moon and stars. 

Then you feel like on the bridge of a spaceship that has lowered its shield on its star mission through the'infinite expanses'.
The incoming smells and the calming sound of the cicadas leave no doubt about the Mediterranean character of the surroundings. Nature can also be locked out again at the push of a button if it gets cooler or if the unfamiliar impressions prevent you from sleeping.

The gullwing doors to the balcony can also be opened wide, which is practically invisible through a clever recess in the tiled roof of the tower, but still offers a view over the lush green slopes of the surrounding vineyards. Situated in the middle of an old park, the Lombard villa, consisting of five different 19th century buildings, was transformed 20 years ago into a luxurious hotel with 57 refined rooms and suites.

However, the 30 square metre Cabrio Suite is unique and has a marble bathroom with a hydromassage bath and multifunctional shower. If you want to be pampered all around, you will find a comprehensive wellness offer in the hotel's huge medical spa area that meets all requirements. The house also has a swimming pool, sauna and a concierge service. The room is equipped with a mini-bar, air conditioning and free internet (Wifi).

After a fascinating night under a starry sky and a cosy breakfast on the terrace, the centuries-old property invites you to linger or take a walk. The hotel's own sculpture park and botanical garden also deserve special attention. On request, the guests of the family-run country villa can receive an exclusive guided tour of the in-house'Bellavista' winery followed by a tasting in one of the wine cellars. 

The region is also known as the Italian'Champagne' because it is famous for the quality of its sparkling wines. But the hotel with its antique salons also proves its culinary taste: just a few steps away from the winery, the kitchen with a bistro and the gourmet restaurant Felice holds important trump cards to inspire gourmets. 

From EUR 560,- per night for 2 persons including breakfast
Further informations and booking via the provider site

Sternenhimmel auf Knopfdruck bietet die spektakuläre Cabrio-Suite inmitten der Weinreben von Franciacorta

Cabriolet Suite mit Schiebedach für Sternengucker in der Lombardei | Romantische Nächte unter italienischem Sternenhimmel verspricht diese ungewöhnliche Unterkunft in den Weinbergen zwischen Bergamo und Iseosee. Auf Knopfdruck ermöglicht das luxuriöse Hotelzimmer eine Open Air Übernachtung im Freien | Erlebe die Magie, wenn sich das Dach über dem Bett wie durch Zauberhand langsam öffnet und den Blick auf die Sterne freigibt!
Cabriolet Suite
Freie Sicht auf den Nachthimmel verspricht dieses aufregende Hotelzimmer in einer luxuriösen Landvilla bei Bergamo

Ein Knopfdruck nur, und langsam öffnet sich das Schiebedach des Cabrios, um den Blick auf den nächtlichen Himmel freizugeben. Was sich nach einer Ausfahrt im neuen Sportwagen mit aufklappbarem Verdeck anhört, entpuppt sich als spektakuläres Hotelzimmer im Open Air Modus. 

Wer schon immer davon geträumt hat, die Nacht unter freiem Sternenhimmel zu verbringen ohne Kompromisse hinsichtlich Komfort und Sicherheit eingehen zu müssen, der dürfte in dieser uneinsehbaren Suite inmitten idyllischer Weinberge nur wenige Kilometer von Mailand entfernt alle Voraussetzungen erfüllt finden. 

Die Cabrio Suite ist erste Wahl, wenn man Naturnähe, Romantik und Luxus miteinander verbinden will. Mit der Überraschung per Knopfdruck gelingt Dir nicht nur eine romantische Liebesbekundung an den nichtsahnenden Partner. Gleichzeitig stellst Du Deinen Sinn für Originalität und richtiges Timing unter Beweis. Denn was könnte eine Nacht in einer italienischen 5-Sterne-Herberge noch übertreffen als vom Bett aus in trauter Zweisamkeit den funkelnden Sternenhimmel zu bestaunen?!

Innerhalb weniger Sekunden lässt sich das Dach über dem Bett auf einer Schienenkonstruktion beiseite schieben. Die Magie dieser erstaunlichen Vorrichtung lässt sich kaum beschreiben und erst recht nicht mit einem profan geöffnetem Fenster vergleichen. Der Zauber erschließt sich im Liegen, wenn der Blick nach oben nicht an der Zimmerdecke endet, sondern Mond und Gestirne die Aufmerksamkeit auf sich ziehen. 

Dann fühlt man sich wie auf der Kommandobrücke eines Raumschiffs, das auf seiner Sternen-Mission durch die 'unendlichen Weiten' den Schutzschild heruntergefahren hat.
Die einströmenden Gerüche und das beruhigende Geräusch der Zikaden lassen aber keinen Zweifel am mediterranen Charakter der Umgebung. Auf Knopfdruck lässt sich die Natur auch wieder aussperren, falls es kühler wird oder die ungewohnten Eindrücke vom Schlafen abhalten.

Weit öffnen lassen sich auch die Flügeltüren zum Balkon, der durch eine geschickte Aussparung im Ziegeldach des Turmes praktisch nicht einsehbar ist, aber trotzdem Aussicht über die sattgrünen Hänge der umliegenden Weingüter bietet. Inmitten eines alten Parks gelegen, wurde die aus fünf unterschiedlichen Gebäuden des 19. Jahrhunderts bestehende lombardische Villa vor 20 Jahren in ein luxuriöses Hotel mit 57 raffinierten Zimmern und Suiten verwandelt.

Die 30 Quadratmeter große Cabrio Suite ist allerdings einzigartig und verfügt dazu über ein Marmorbad mit Hydromassage-Badewanne und Multifunktions-Dusche. Wer sich rundum verwöhnen lassen will, findet im riesigen Medical Spa-Bereich des Hotels ein umfassendes Wellness-Angebot, das allen Ansprüchen genügt. Daneben besitzt das Haus ein Schwimmbad, Sauna und einen Concierge-Service. Das Zimmer ist mit einer Minibar, Klimaanlage und kostenfreiem Internet (Wifi) ausgestattet.

Nach einer faszinierenden Nacht unter sternenklarem Firmament und einem gemütlichen Frühstück auf der Terrasse lädt das Jahrhunderte alte Grundstück zum Verweilen oder Spazierengehen ein. Besondere Beachtung verdienen auch der hoteleigene Skulpturenpark und ein botanischer Garten. Auf Wunsch erhalten die Gäste der familiengeführten Landvilla eine exklusive Führung durch das hauseigene Weingut 'Bellavista' mit anschließender Verkostung in einem der Weinkeller. 

Die Region wird auch als italienische 'Champagne' bezeichnet, da sie für die Qualität ihrer Schaumweine berühmt ist. Aber auch kulinarisch beweist das Hotel mit seinen antiken Salons Geschmack: nur wenige Schritte von der Kellerei entfernt hält die Küche mit einem Bistro und dem Feinschmecker-Restaurant Felice wichtige Trümpfe, um Gourmets zu begeistern. 

Ab 560,- EUR pro Nacht für 2 Personen inkl. Frühstück
Weitere Informationen und Buchung über die Anbieterseite

Dienstag, 29. Mai 2018

Unforgettable cave Glamping in an underground glass pyramid in France

Cave Glamping in the pyramid suite in France | Exclusive overnight stay in the underground fairytale world of a stalactite cave in the French Cevennes | The option to spend the night in a subterrean pyramid with spectacular views of the million-year-old natural dripstone wonders in the belly of Occitania is unique worldwide | #travel #france #Cevennes #glamping #stalactitecave
Suite Pyramide
Exclusive overnight stay in an fairytale underground world full of natural wonders in the French Cevennes

In the Cevennes National Park, on the border of Gard and Ardèche, one of the most beautiful dripstone caves in France is located. Its wealth of sparkling stalactites and stalagmites, calcite crystals and cave pearls earned the cave the nickname "Grotto of Diamonds" early on and attracts up to 120,000 visitors annually to the underground wonder world. 

The short excursion into the 60-metre-deep cave complex lasts one hour, of whose so far explored 30 kilometres of path network can be visited just 1 kilometre.

Although the cave had already fascinated geologists since the middle of the 19th century, the geological treasure was only opened to the public in 1967. Thanks above all to the work of two tireless amateur researchers, the fairytale underworld has been open to everyone for 50 years now.

For the anniversary year, those responsible for the family-run show cave have come up with a special attraction that is probably unique in the world. Where else do friends of the cultivated thrill have the opportunity to spend an exclusive night in a 35 million year old stalactite cave? And in a comfortable pyramid with transparent walls, which allows a clear view of the illuminated stalactite landscape at the cave vault. 

The 3.50 meter high pyramid construction houses a real bedroom with its own underfloor heating. On an area of 25 square metres, a comfortable double bed with duvet, pillows, bedside tables and lamps as well as an armchair are available to privileged guests. The temporary accommodation is also equipped with a kettle and Nespresso coffee machine, a chemical toilet and a sink with hot water.  Everything is almost as comfortable as in the hotel, only without TV, shower or internet. But with a romantic gourmet dinner and breakfast in the gastro basket of the caterer! 

Out of consideration for the special environment and the fragile dripstone structures, only environmentally friendly materials and innovative technologies were considered for the construction of the underground pyramid. Under the direction of experts, an impressive installation was created for which neither concrete nor cement was required. In order to keep the environmental impact as low as possible, the entire stainless steel construction had to be dismountable and recyclable. The floor therefore rests on steel pots, while atmospheric-resistant plastic was used for the transparent walls.

When choosing the pyramid shape, the architects were inspired by the structure of the rock crystal. Warm and protected from the prevailing 14°C outside temperature in the cave, the pyramid offers the ideal basis for a pleasant sleep and the best conditions for spending sixteen unforgettable hours in an extraordinary environment that has remained hidden from millions of years of human eyes. The special magic of the place is enhanced by the skilful staging of light and the appropriate background music to create a fairy-tale spectacle whose timeless fascination hardly anyone is able to escape.

Natural ventilation, fluorescent furniture and the safety requirements for an overnight stay underground required a technical masterpiece, which is naturally reflected in the price. A long night in the "Diamond Grotto" (from 6 pm to 10 am the next day) costs an impressive 1,200 euros for two people! In return, in addition to the overwhelming experience and the futuristic-looking accommodation, there is a private guided tour through the complex. In addition, qualified staff at the entrance to the cave ensures the safety of the guests, who will always find a contact person if necessary.

Only a few months remain before the cave pyramid will have disappeared at the end of the year. Afterwards, the natural wonders of the stalactite cave in the department of Ardèche will have dived into darkness again, except for a few moments during the day.     

From EUR 1.200,- per night for 2 persons including breakfast & emergency service
Further informations and booking via the provider site

Dienstag, 27. März 2018

Stay overnight like prehistoric humans under a million year old rockfall

Travel to Norway for a stay in the Stone Age Cave | This archaic cave lodging in Norway imparts primordially experiences of nature under a million year old rockfall | Ideal for groups & team building | Wake the cavemen in you | Perfect starting point for hikes to the Briksdal Glacier | Learn more on website or follow the board for many more exciting glamping accommodations!
Stone Age Cave
Archaic cave lodging in Norway imparts primordially experiences of nature

Fjord Norway is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. The magnificent nature with high mountains, long fjords and easily accessible glacier tongues attract people from all over the world. A millennial rockfall at one of the most important accesses to the Jostedal National Park contains an archaic type of accommodation.

The surrounding area, with a campsite and a tourist centre at the end of the Oldedalen, appears like a large park and is part of a farmstead that has been in operation since the mid-16th century. 

The owner-pair now manages the property in the fourteenth generation and has established the oldest rockfall of Norway a few years ago with extensive construction measures as an original event and overnight place. 

Back to Stone Age

Remains of wood were found during the conversion work, which could be dated to an age of 5,940 years after being examined at the University of Bergen and analysed in the USA. So trees and bushes were buried under the rockfall almost six millennia ago. 

In this way, the wood remains survived dry and sheltered from the wind. Huge boulders had created a large space through a mood of nature, which was called "Stone Age Cave" at some point in time.

The roof of the cave is made of 800 tons of stone. Two further huge stones form the majority of the walls. A copy of a stone age dwelling was used to build original walls and stairs in the interstices. In the middle of the cave there is a fireplace with numerous seats and 25 overnight places.

Between steep mountains, glistening glaciers and mighty waterfalls, guests can experience an authentic overnight stay in a stone age cave in the midst of an impressive natural backdrop. From the reception you can walk in less than an hour to the world-famous Briksdal Glacier. 

The landscape surrounding the glacier has many traces of climate change over the past 10,000 years. Interested visitors will find a lot of interesting information at many stations or can learn more about the Stone Age cave, its effects on the climate and the surrounding nature during a guided walk through the area. 

Wake the caveman in you!

Of course, fun should not be neglected. An open-air arena with dance floor, fireplace and benches is available for groups and events.

In the reception building there is a reception area with a café, toilets, showers, saunas, camping kitchen and washrooms. Right next to it is a barn with a fireplace and seating for 50 people, which also serves as a public lounge for the guests.

The Stone Age Cave is definitely more than just an original stopover during a trip to Norway. An overnight stay in a stone-age manner away from the stress of civilization releases primal instincts and enables you to experience nature directly. 

With a campfire, reindeer skins on the benches and flickering candlelight, this is the right place to celebrate a special company outing or a family celebration or to give your holiday a special touch. You can bring your own food or enjoy exciting local dishes. 

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and book your unique stay here