Freitag, 27. April 2018

Sleep in a Dutch lifeboat: this floating suite in the Netherlands will save your holidays

Unusual overnight stays on board a converted sea rescue cruiser off the Dutch coast | The seaworthy love nest with design bed and private jacuzzi below deck offers hotel comfort and harbour views | Where once people were rescued from the stormy North Sea, today adventurous landlubbers with wanderlust find protection from trivial hotel rooms
Apartment on lifeboat
A night on an emergency rescue cruiser on the Dutch coast protects you from the boredom of anonymous hotel rooms 

Carefree nights on board a former rescue ship are one of the most unusual accommodation offers in Dutch Friesland and especially popular with couples! 

From 1955 to 1979, the English Watson Class boat was in service at various locations along the English and Scottish coasts, saving at least 45 lives in 105 rescue operations.

In the meantime, the ship, which is still fully operational, has been converted and is located at the landing stage of a Dutch port. There it no longer rescues people from the raging North Sea, but instead rescues overnight guests from the dreariness of boring hotel chains. 

The rooms on board present themselves as seaworthy design artwork made of mahogany. After its retirement in 1982, the cruiser was completely restored and adapted to its new purpose as an unusual hostel. With regard to the elegant shape of the ship, everything possible was done on board to guarantee a luxurious stay in the floating love nest. 

The ship's stylish aft cabin, furnished with swivel chairs, table and equipment cupboard, serves as a lounge during the day. Here you can enjoy breakfast in the morning, which is brought into the steering cabin in the morning. Other seating is available on deck with privileged views of the harbour, city and sea. 

The intimate bedroom below deck, reached by a ladder in the bow, is equipped with a comfortable bed in the form of a water lily leaf, an open plan sanitary area and a bathtub for two in precious wood design. 

For those who are not physically restricted and do not find regular bending down annoying, the sea rescue cruiser at anchor offers an unforgettable stay. If you want more than a maritime flair and an original roof over your head, a private captain can be requested in addition to the overnight stay. After the two-hour demonstration ride with various manoeuvres, the seaworthiness of the vintage 'rescuer in distress' is beyond question (optional on arrival). 

In addition, the facilities on board the guest lifeboat include a VHF radio telephone, DVD system, tuner/CD system, quooker, wind speed and direction sensor, mini bar and central heating. 

One overnight stay for two persons with breakfast is available from 199,- EUR 
Further information and booking on the provider side

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