Donnerstag, 14. Juni 2018

Goose bumps pre-programmed: interactive overnight adventure in Normandy

Pan's Chalet in France | Spooky accommodation with mysterious insides in Normandy | Those who love surprises are in good hands in this mysterious chalet with six petrified creatures in the labyrinth garden. What have they done to deserve this cruel fate? Let yourself be carried away by the magic of the place into the mysterious mythical world of the legend of the buck-legged shepherd god Pan!
Pan's Chalet
Mysterious accommodation with cryptic insides in Normandy 

Those who love surprises will enjoy spending the night in this enchanting chalet in Normandy. Let yourself be carried away by the magic of the place into the mysterious mythical world of the legend of Pan!

Six creatures were petrified in the labyrinth garden by the buck-legged shepherd god. What have they done to deserve this cruel fate? It's up to the guests to find out and free them from their terrible fate. 

Solve various puzzles that are waiting in 'Pan's Chalet'! If you are ready for a nightly adventure with goose bumps, you are in good hands in this exciting guesthouse with its mysterious interior.

With its mixture of horror film and fantasy story, this interactive guesthouse not far from Bayeux arouses all the senses. Sleep is unthinkable in the first hours of your stay. Guests are advised to remain vigilant. 

To unravel all the hidden secrets in'Pan's Chalet', tricky puzzles await astonishing solutions in the style of an Agatha Christie thriller. The atmosphere, on the other hand, is more like a Tim Burton-style film, while the strange characters could have sprung directly from'Alice in Wonderland'.

The country estate in Calvados in northern France belongs to landscape gardeners who have not only created nine varied garden landscapes on an area of more than 2.5 hectares, but also offer a number of guest rooms with a reference to nature. One of them is the unique garden cottage'Pan's Chalet', in which the overnight stay is staged as a gruesomely magical nature experience. 

The house captivates already by its location away from the main building in the extensive park, in which also an enchanted working garden labyrinth is integrated. Here the adventure begins even before entering the accommodation at nightfall. The keys to the chalet are not handed over at check-in. Instead, you have to search for the key with the help of a torch without getting lost in the labyrinth or being deterred by the petrified natural beings in mosaic form.

The chalet, dramatically illuminated in the evening hours, accommodates up to four people and has been furnished with a hodge of various furnishings and strange props. Behind the inconspicuous wood construction, however, there is a lot of technology: the makers needed only one year to work out the various puzzles, to design various 3D effects, to develop a coherent lighting concept and to set up the completely computer-controlled machinery. 

The entrance room resembles a curiosity cabinet in which smoke, noise and light effects are used. Once the first secret is solved, you will receive the access code for the next room where the game continues. Arrived in the bedroom, a new adventure begins: by means of a tablet one dives from the bed into a multimedia story book, which includes all walls of the room.

The hosts may have used the famous room 237 from Stanley Kubrick's horror classic'Shining' as a model for this new type of accommodation throughout Europe. The result is a unique place for guests who love to experiment and appreciate the thrills and goose bumps in a rural environment.

The varied park landscape offers attractive views at any time of the year thanks to its year-round planting. Numerous benches, pavilions and sculptures give you the opportunity to pause in the summer, well-tended green areas invite you to a picnic.

On the ground floor of'Pan's Chalet' there is a comfortable double bed for sleeping, another one is on the upper floor, which can be reached by a ladder. A separate bathroom with toilet can be used outside. In the house itself only a dry toilet is available for urgent cases.

In addition to the community lounge in the main building, the extensive complex offers a spa area with sauna and jacuzzi, as well as a 24-hour 3D cinema with over 900 films.

Knowledge of French is desirable, but not mandatory. 

From EUR 179,- per night for 2 persons including breakfast
Further informations and booking via the provider site

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