Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2018

Robinson island themed hideout in New York state, inspired by a tasty coconut cream pie

Coconut Cream Pie Suite in New York | Themed hotel room with coconut scent and ceiling structure with decor of a cream cake | This luxurious accommodation north of New York will delight fans of the legendary US-sitcom 'Gilligan's Island' with its allusive furnishings in Robinson style | Guests will be able to enjoy the peace and privacy of a solitary South Sea island and - while looking up - dreaming of a yummy piece of a coconut cream pie. Well get it!
Coconut Cream Pie Suite
Spend the night inside a coconut cream cake in the Catskill Mountains dreaming of 'Gilligan's Island' 

Fancy a coconut cream cake? This unusual themed room in the Catskill Mountains just outside New York is inspired by the baking skills of a female protagonist from the American 60s cult series 'Gilligan's Island'. 

In the USA, every child knows the Robinsonade at seven on an island. And Mary Ann's coconut cakes are a legend, of course!

In the eccentric hotel suite, guests can therefore not only revel nostalgically in old TV episodes of the sitcom, but also experience what it feels like to spend the night inside a coconut cake. The ceiling is modelled on a huge cream cap from which the coconut cream drips down in appetizing dots. 

No wonder that even the air emits a slight smell of coconut and intensifies the surreal note of the room. If you have always been fascinated by the idea of stranding on an exotic island, you will get your money's worth here - just like serial fans and cake lovers who like cream orgies!

Ginger or Mary Ann? The choice of one of the two female protagonists from the American shipwreck series 'Gilligan's Island' is not only a difficult decision for greying fans of the sitcom from the 1960s. 

It is still the common question of the preferred type of woman of American men, which has become established as a winged word in colloquial language over generations of television viewers. No matter whether male or female, hardly any American without a clear point of view on this issue of taste. 

When it comes to cooking and baking, and especially the preparation of gorgeous coconut cream cakes, Mary Ann is clearly preferred by connoisseurs. But her creamy creations were as utopian for a deserted island as a hotel with a room that feels and looks like you're inside a cake - complete with cream decoration and a cake ring-shaped bed. Kitsch for some, but a come true overnight dream for enthusiastic confectioners and uninhibited gourmets on the other hand.  

If you book a night in this literally tasty guest suite, the whole story is served. The story of a fateful journey that took seven exhausting months of development work! And the answer to the exciting question of what a ceiling made of whipped cream should look like. But such questions seem secondary when you lie on the round bed and look up. Then you just feel like spooning some of it! 

The serial hero Gilligan embodied an intrepid sailor, but you can bet that he too would have melted like a cherry on the cake in the South Sea sun if he had seen the inviting pillows in the form of oversized cream dots on the bed! Due to its circular shape, this has more of a queen size than a king-size format. It is therefore advisable to spoon up the cake a little more thoroughly than usual. 

For all cake abstainers, there is a 50-inch flat-screen TV with DVD player on the wall opposite the bed to fill any gaps in American pop culture with a few enlightening episodes of'Gilligan's Island'. There is also a dining area with a small fridge, microwave and coffee machine. Because you probably need a cup or two of black coffee to'digest' the fierce coconut cream cream orgy better! 

To accurately describe the colour of the tiles in the bathroom, it is best to bring along a quiet idea of creamy coconut with beige butterscotch vanilla pudding. Combined with the seductive smelling coconut soap from local production, it could happen that your mouth watering with appetite when bathing. But not to give you false hope: the tiles are (unfortunately) literally tasteless, because they are made of 100% recycled windshield glass! 

Incidentally, the spacious bathtub in the unusual accommodation has a capacity of almost 322 litres of water (85 gallons) and is equipped with double shower heads. Nothing stands in the way of several hours of bathing pleasure for 2 persons. 

But the hotel in the foothills of the Apalachians is more than just the sum of its 28 quirky theme rooms, which are dedicated to almost all popular TV series. Here, hospitality is celebrated at its best, with a caring and attentive staff, impeccable equipment, free coffee in the morning, a manageable but very exquisite spa and many little treats that will make your stay unforgettable.  

From per night for 2 persons including breakfast 
Learn more on provider's website 
and book your unique stay here

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