Mittwoch, 4. April 2018

Luxurious apartment in medieval gender tower with panoramic city view

Historic accommodation in a medieval tower in Bologna Italy | This rentable gender tower with a panoramic terrace at a height of 65 metres belongs to the landmarks of Bologna and includes an unique apartment which is an unforgettable place for special occasions as well as a perfect love nest for couples | Learn more on website or follow board for many other unique hotels & unusual tower accommodations
Torre Prendiparte Apartment
Once in a lifetime experience: this medieval skyscraper in Bologna creates the perfect setting for a romantic overnight stay 

From sixty metres above sea level, the privileged guests of this medieval gender tower can enjoy a unique view of Bologna, which will be remembered with enthusiasm and indelibility. A dizzying 12-storey ascent leads to the panoramic terrace above the roofs of the old town. 

The tower, which was once used as a retreat and defence in the event of an attack by enemy factions, has been fiercely contested for centuries and is now reserved for all those who appreciate the uniqueness of this historic site and want to experience emotional moments.

The love of detail, antique furniture and exclusive design create the perfect setting for a romantic experience or a special highlight in life, such as an engagement or the signing of an important project. 

Much is conceivable in the impregnable bulwark of an old Bolognese noble family, which already found a safe refuge here in the 16th century and demonstrated its social advancement by means of this medieval "skyscraper". 

Situated in the middle of Bologna's centre, but also hidden in the maze of streets and narrow alleys, the building is one of the few remaining gender towers of formerly over a hundred that once towered above the city's roofs. Most of them disappeared over the centuries in the course of fights and family feuds, were eventually dismantled or made room for private inner courtyards or simply fell victim to modernization. 

The restoration of the original plastering in the former dungeons of the upper floors brought to light forgotten inscriptions and hand drawings. All twelve floors were adequately illuminated and made accessible comfortably and safely via stairs.

The furnishings of the first three storeys, which form the habitable part of the tower suite, were carefully selected and fit in their simplicity with the original and original structure of the building. 

The furnishings reflect the taste of the nineteenth century, when the lower part of the building served as a residential building after the removal of some walls and the installation of windows.

The careful restoration of the rooms and sophisticated lighting technology has resulted in an individual city apartment with a personal touch. The many details give the guest the feeling of being "at home". Ancient fireplaces, picturesque views from the windows and a stone spiral staircase connect the succession of floors from the 16th century, offering new discoveries and perspectives one floor at a time.

The rooms are ideal for two persons, but can accommodate up to four guests. At the beginning, overnight guests will be given a guided tour with interesting information about the family history of the builders, the city during the time of the aristocratic feuds and about the construction technique and functioning of the tower as a defensive or fortress building. On the way to the top, rooms and floors that were once used as a prison by the Archbishop of Bologna are still preserved unchanged. 

Arrived at the top, the hosts say goodbye with a welcome drink on the panoramic terrace at a height of 60 meters. An overwhelming view compensates for the strenuous ascent and forms the spectacular prelude to a tower stay, which will undoubtedly remain unforgettable. 

From EUR 550,- per night for 2 persons with breakfast
Learn more on provider's website
and book your unique stay here

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