Dienstag, 27. März 2018

Spend the night as a warlord in a converted Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC)

Travel to Warlord Suite in Romania This quirky Warlord Suite in Romania has a real armoured personnel carrier transformed into thrilling bedroom | Perfect Getaway for tough guys & leisure warriors in the only Military leisure park of Europe | Stay alert in an former Armoured Personnel Carrier with many original obtained details!
Warlord Quarter
Thrilling accommodation in the only military themed hotel & leisure park of Europe

The APC quarter in the Romanian adventure military camp near Sibiu is unique in the world for its combination of military equipment and hotel rooms. 

This is where you can embed yourself in a genuine armoured personnel carrier (APC) that looks as though it had rammed the building from the outside. 

The impressive interior of the halved armoured vehicle can be admired and explored comfortably lying down from the room. In addition to the functional exit hatch, most levers and fittings were left in their original condition. 

The armoured bed is not only an original eye catcher in the otherwise simple hotel room, but also offers the ideal atmosphere for a visit to the theme park and the safest sleeping place in the wide area.

The Armoured Personal Carrier Quarter is one of the special overnight accommodations offered by the military theme park near Sibiu in Romania, which is unprecedented in Europe. 

During the Second World War, the site was home to Europe's second largest ammunition producer, and until the fall of communism in 1989, it was considered the most heavily guarded place in the country. 

Since its opening in 2009, the amusement park for adventurous recreational warriors and experience-hungry contemporaries has become a popular destination for active holidays and teambuilding all the way to China and is booked up months in advance for groups. The resort's own 3-star hotel accommodates a total of 230 guests. 

Eccentric holidaymakers can choose between simple officer quarters and fancy quarters such as underground bunkers, howitzer rooms or armoured infantry fighting vehicles, where you can spend the night in style. Without having to forego the amenities of a hotel.

Inside the APC Quarter, the bed is located in one half of the armoured vehicle, with the head end at the level of the steering wheel. Spartan but friendly accommodation is ideal for action lovers and tough individuals who only want to stay in a hotel room when they need a shower or some rest. The basic equipment of the quarter includes a television, heating, refrigerator and private bathroom.

With around 150 military exhibits, the outdoor area houses the largest open-air military museum in Romania, including tracked tanks, anti-aircraft guns, rocket launchers, military vehicles, a military train and a combat helicopter. The military park extends over 88 hectares of partially forested land with a network of paths of about 12 km in length, which have been laid out for various activities.

There are numerous activities to choose from, ranging from the adrenaline kick of a power jump (variant of bungee jumping) from the water tower to adventurous rides in tracked vehicles to relaxing relaxation in the newly built Aqua-Park with 7 pools. Attractions await even the youngest children, who have recently opened their own "Activity Park" for children and young people up to the age of 13.

Skaters and cyclists have access to a skate park and 16 different cycle tracks. Those who want to go high can prove themselves at the climbing course. The six routes are colour coded according to the degree of difficulty. On the most dangerous, the one marked in red, you can climb up to 20 meters high. The 600-metre-long zip-line, which can be used to speed down from a height of 45 metres, is also popular. 

In addition, there is an artificial ice rink, tennis courts, game rooms, miniature golf, a fitness room and the possibility to do military training under real conditions (instructor). This also includes the offered shooting training with real ammunition. The target accuracy can be improved during archery or in groups with paintball or Airsoft rifles when simulating an indoor guerilla fight with helmet and full camouflage.

If you still have enough energy in the evening, you can watch a film in the open-air cinema, visit the program in the amphitheatre or exchange stories at the campfire. It's time for barbecue, music and fun. The culmination of an eventful day full of sport and adventure is the meal in the "officers' mess". The park restaurant with two terraces and field seating offers healthy and inexpensive food.

Learn more on provider's website 
and book your unique stay here

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