Donnerstag, 29. März 2018

Healthy underground Glamping in the depths of a Polish mine pit

Overnight stay in a Salt Mine Chamber near Krakow | 125 meters below surface, Poland can claim one of the deepest situated bedrooms in the world | Free of noise and air pollution, this unique accommodation deep in the ground with 48 comfortable beds in sleeping boxes, reading room, disco and underground restaurant, guarantees allergy sufferers undisturbed night and fabulous dreams in the bosom of the Earth
Salt Mine Chamber
125 meters below surface, Poland can claim one of the deepest situated bedrooms in the world

Deep underground time ticks differently. World affairs on the surface suddenly appear relative, while the special microclimate strengthens body and mind. A Polish salt mine near Krakow now offers individual guests exciting and pleasant overnight stays at a depth of 125 metres at constant temperatures between 13 and 16 degrees Celsius. 

In addition to sports facilities for leisure activities, the unusual hotel with 48 comfortable sleeping places offers a reading room, a disco and an underground restaurant. Free of noise and air pollution, this unique underground accommodation guarantees allergy sufferers undisturbed sleep and fabulous dreams. 

As the crowning glory of a nocturnal underground stay, a visit to the fantastically designed mine is a must. Its countless chapels, salt figures, illuminated halls and winding corridors need not fear the comparison with an underground city with a touch of 'Game of Thrones'.

The oldest salt mine in Poland, which has been in uninterrupted operation since 1248 and is thus the oldest industrial plant in Europe, is reminiscent of an extensive underground labyrinth full of mysterious and unique sites after eight centuries of mining. 

In addition to a 2.5 km long tourist route, overnight accommodation was created in two of the largest mining chambers at a depth of more than 125 meters.

Except the bed and sanitary area with showers, the first chamber also has leisure facilities such as multimedia terminals, table tennis, table football, a sports field and a discotheque. There is also a separate reading room on the mezzanine floor. Finally, a simple restaurant is available to cater for the guests.

The unforgettable underground experience promises, besides the uniqueness of the place, complete mental and physical relaxation through healthy sleep. More than a hundred meters below ground, the microclimate is free of allergens and air pollution, which not only helps allergy sufferers to a dreamlike night. 

The high content of trace elements also strengthens the immune system. As one of the most important biological needs, sleep is indispensable for the regeneration of the human organism. The silence and tranquility far from the hectic surface of the earth do the rest to put the guests of this unusual accommodation into comfortable deep sleep.

If you are looking for even more relaxation and relief from sleep problems or respiratory diseases, you should take several days time for a stay in the second chamber, which is under the care of a sanatorium. It is a cavity at a depth of 135 metres, which was also created by salt mining and was used as an underground stable until the 20th century. This is also the reason why the sleeping area with 28 comfortable single beds in double boxes looks a bit like horse boxes.  

Today, therapeutic stays with or without overnight stay are offered here under the supervision of qualified personnel. There is enough time to explore the modernly equipped rooms, to relax during a visit in the reading room or to inhale the salty air at the subterranean graduation work. Meditation music and semi-darkness that is gentle on the eyes have an additional positive effect on mood and condition. A wide range of activities ensures that no boredom arises underground.

The multilingual staff is also prepared for foreign guests. If you are interested in the rehabilitation program, you can order the registration card for a healing stay (in German language) directly from the provider

The adventurous overnight stays for individual guests are approved for adults and children from 4 years of age (only accompanied) and take place weekly from Saturday to Sunday (in July and August additionally on Fridays). The overnight stay starts at 8 pm with the journey underground, which takes place comfortably by lift, and ends the following morning around 8 am with the return to the surface. 

The package price for two persons includes accommodation, bedding and meals, including dinner on the day of arrival and breakfast next morning.

Learn more on provider's website 
and book your unique stay here

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